
For a Future Our Planet Deserves

Sustainability is not just a mere concept for us; it is deeply ingrained in everything we do. With passion, we develop green solutions for the construction industry and strive to optimise our use of resources and reduce our carbon footprint. This includes choosing sustainable materials and implementing energy efficient processes.

Fachbereich Nachhaltiges Bauen

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Drive through Awareness: Our Environmental Management System

As part of our Integrated Management Systems (IMS), we capture all significant environmental aspects of the business regarding our activities, products and services. This enables us to consider the associated environmental impacts at every stage of the building lifecycle – in terms of quality, occupational safety, health and energy. This strategic approach is embedded in our own environmental policy.

  • With a strong environmental consciousness, we ensure a certain degree of dynamism.
  • We take care of our resources and increasingly use RC materials in our products.
  • We create as little waste as possible and recycle it.
  • We focus on green energy and high efficiency.
  • We reduce greenhouse gas emissions and process emissions.
  • Use minimize water consumption.
  • We eliminate hazardous substances.
  • Our products are energy-efficient, resource-friendly, carbon-neutral and recyclable.
  • We use minimal packaging for our products and rely on plastic-free packaging materials.

Energy Policy

As the foundation for our own energy management system, our energy policy is also an essential part of our focus. We consider fundamental aspects of energy procurement, energy self-sufficiency and much more. For example, we are already using CO2-neutral forms of energy, optimising energy networks and expanding our own energy production, for example through numerous photovoltaic systems.

Operational Environmental Targets

We have derived operational goals for our business units from our vision and strategic direction, and from identified risks and opportunities arising from environmental and internal developments. These are reflected in individual business plans and environmental programs. Through these efforts, we have already increased our self-sufficiency in electricity, optimized our waste management practices, substituted hazardous substances, and more.

Continuous Improvement in Environmental Performance

To ensure continuous progress in environmental performance, we regularly carry out monitoring and systematic audits. The results form the permanent basis for the continuous improvement process and the further development of our strategic and operational environmental goals. We consider all phases – from planning and implementation to operation, performance evaluation, and improvement.


Nos projets à travers le monde

Autour du monde et de retour à notre patrie d'Arnstorf : Avec nos projets de construction, nous sommes présent presque partout! Qu'il s'agisse d'une nouvelle construction ou d'une rénovation, d'un aménagement intérieur, d'une enveloppe de bâtiment ou d'une isolation - nos références sont un mélange coloré de nouveaux défis et de résultats impressionnants.