Centre for stroke and dementia research

The newly built Centre for Stroke and Dementia Research at Campus Großhadern houses two institutions with similar objectives: the Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases. Together, these institutions investigate the causes for common illnesses like strokes and dementia, then try to develop appropriate remedies.

Lindner fitted the office areas bordering the laboratories with heated and chilled ceiling systems. The rooms' temperature may so be adjusted with ease. In order to separate offices and laboratories efficiently, Lindner glass partitions and automated sliding doors were installed.


Project: Centre for stroke and dementia research

Building Type: Laboratories and Research Facilities

Address: Marchioninistraße 15

Zip/City: 81377 Munich

Country: Germany

Completion: 2014

Company: Lindner SE | Heated and Chilled Ceilings, Lindner SE | Clean Rooms

Companies involved

Client: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Architect: Staatliches Bauamt München 2


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