Additional Equipment- Lindner Plus

To complement your vision

With our Lindner Plus additional equipment for partition systems, we cover all your outstanding requirements, from practical blinds for optimum light management and overflow elements for improved room acoustics to clever organisation systems for more order and efficiency. What makes it special: The Lindner Plus additional equipment adapts perfectly to your needs, both in everyday life and in the office, and can also be combined with almost all wall systems, thus creating maximum design freedom and space for your individual functionality.

  • blinds for glass partitions with different methods of operation
  • overflow elements for sufficient air change
  • various organisational elements
  • high-quality inspection doors for wall claddings

Products - (7)

Additional benefits included

Our extensive product portfolio offers numerous solutions for the use of our partition systems – suitable for every area.

Easy combination

Lindner Plus accessories can be easily combined with any of our partitions – to guarantee maximum freedom in planning. For this reason, architects, property managers, and users like to fall back on our diverse accessory solutions.

Including complete solutions

Our promise: All from a single source. With our partition wall additional equipment, you can optimise organisation, ventilation and discretion in any room sector.


Don't hesitate to contact us!


All from a single source

Once around the globe and back again to our home Arnstorf: With our construction projects we are represented almost everywhere! No matter whether new construction or renovation, whether interior fit-out, building envelope or insulation – our references consist of a colourful mixture full of new challenges and impressive results.