Harmony and good cooperation are important to us. That is why our company is based on the same principles that work in many families: unity, reliability, and trust, as well as a good network, strong partnerships and the freedom to take responsibility and follow our own path.
To foster a trusting environment, we established our own foundation for our actions years ago: A Code of Ethics that defines all the concepts and standards of behaviour to which our employees are committed in their work and in their dealings with our stakeholders. Upholding these guidelines in all parts and positions within the company is a prerequisite to prevent any unlawful actions. We also pursue this principle through our Code of Conduct for Business Partners, to integrate our values and expectations into the supply chain.
Our corporate culture is defined by a high degree of trust, clear lines of responsibility and mutual respect. Lawful action and ethical behaviour are therefore an integral part of our daily work and indispensable for the sustained success of our company. In this way, we aim to avoid risks that could jeopardise the trust of our clients, business partners and the public in the Lindner Group. Our external whistleblowing system is available for the anonymous reporting of possible violations: The online portal can be used at any time to anonymously and securely report information or suspicions of criminal offences and breaches of regulations.
Maintaining a clean and fair work environment is a matter of course for us. We have documented this commitment in an internal code of conduct. For example, every Lindner employee receives internal anti-corruption training when they join the company, and this is repeated at regular intervals depending on their role.
Through our supplier management, we control our installation partners, suppliers, and subcontractors. Depending on our various production sites and global presence at construction sites, we select partners on a situational basis. We emphasize long-term and fair partnerships, as well as a strong local presence. In addition to the positive ecological impact of shorter transportation routes, we aim to have a positive influence on the respective local communities.