Wir sind verlässlich – mit Sicherheit durchstarten!

Wir sind erfolgreich – mit täglich 2.500 Baustellen weltweit

Wir sind vielfältig – mit unzähligen Ideen und Möglichkeiten

Wir sind verantwortungsvoll – mit Blick auf die nächsten Generationen

Wir sind verlässlich – mit Sicherheit durchstarten!

Wir sind erfolgreich – mit täglich 2.500 Baustellen weltweit

Our Principles

Our employees provide the foundation for our company

Our employees are the capital of our company. Plants and machinery are important. However, our employees are the source of ideas and innovations. Each employee’s inherent strengths must be recognised. The executive and the team help to awaken and develop the skills every employee has deeply hidden.

The executive is a role model

We expect a high level of responsibility and commitment from our executives. The executive is exemplary and willing to give as much commitment as he/she expects from the team. The executive encourages the employees to praise and criticism and exemplify this. Only if we experience an open mind, we can form a correct judgment. Everyone should be free from fear to tell the executive your objective opinion and to propose alternative solutions. In an atmosphere of honest and constructive criticism, a healthy working environment is established and strengthened.

Small companies within the company give the employee opportunity for success

We have small companies within the entire Lindner Group. In this way, small groups are allowed to take over manageable tasks on their own responsibility. Every construction site, project and department is an independent company - a profit centre. The employees let their own ideas flow into their work and therefore take responsibility for it. This means that a single employee or a group may also make mistakes.

Thus, the team is ready to take risks and to be creative and innovative. It is the task of the executive to lead the employees to success and thereby show off their advantage. The profit centre thinking has moved our company forward. We may not ignore the fact that we work for a common company success and thus for the success of all of us. This overall aim can only be achieved, if we respect each other beyond profit centre thinking.

Training, further education and promotion of our employees create executives from our own ranks

We give young people the opportunity for vocational training in all our specialist areas and also promote the next generations from our own ranks by further training. The door to assume more responsibility should be open to everyone, regardless which training someone has. We hope that our employees develop an urge for action and not only discuss it, but act and tackle it.

New products and ideas extend our market leadership

Our aim is to be better than the competitors with pioneering products and ideas. Our own production faces the market every day and competes with other suppliers. We are open to new technologies and market developments and are enthusiastic about the technical and intellectual requirements.

Partner companies are a prerequisite for a successful project execution

We do not see partner companies as a compensation for fluctuations in employment. It is our task to build up a long-term relationship with our partners. A longstanding cooperation is our aim. We respect our partners as a valuable part of the successful completion of our projects.

Internationality is a matter of choice

Our world is getting closer together than ever before. We are at home in many countries of Europe and the world with our products and services. In this process, we respect other cultures and ways of thinking. In the places we operate, we want to be as a good fellow citizens as we are in Arnstorf.

Profits, healthy growth and openness for innovations are the prerequisite for secure jobs

Only with continuing profits and satisfied customers, we can expand our company and increase our growth. It is a matter of course that we use the possibilities of digitization to be competitive. In this way, we make our jobs secure and let our employees participate in the profits: if the company is doing well, so do our employees.

Sustainable behaviour in taking responsibility for future generations

Every employee has the basic attitude to identify, promote and implement ways and solutions that are sustainable. This applies to our products and services for our customers as well as to the behaviour and work within the company.

General Inquiry

Don't hesitate to contact us!


Our Projects world wide

Once around the globe and back again to our home Arnstorf: With our construction projects we are represented almost everywhere! No matter whether new construction or renovation, whether interior fit-out, building envelope or insulation – our references consist of a colourful mixture full of new challenges and impressive results.