Hamad General Hospital Operating Theatre Expansion

The population of Qatar has increased threefold in the course of the last ten years. As a consequence of this development, there have been massive changes in the healthcare system of the country. One of the most substantial government actions was the erection of the Hamad Medical City in the capital Doha, which was built with an investment volume of 2.4 bn Quatar-Riyal.

This complex includes several hospitals with different specialties. The recently finished surgery centre adds 20 operation theatres (among those two CT and one hybrid MRI) and 50 ICU´s (intensive care units) to the capacities of the adjacent Hamad General Hospital. Lindner Reinraumtechnik GmbH was commissioned with the complete interior fit-out of the building, including the planning of the CT and MRI areas, project planning, production, delivery and supervision of all installation works. The modern and high-quality equipment of the building includes a radio-frequency cabin, Varicor shrub sinks and rooms for interventional imaging.



Project: Hamad General Hospital Operating Theatre Expansion

Building Type: Clinics and Hospitals

Zip/City: 3050 Doha

Country: Qatar

Completion: from 2014 to 2015

Company: Lindner SE | Clean Rooms

Companies involved

Client: Hamad Medical Corporation



620 sqm

Fire Rated Metal Ceilings - DIN 4102-2

1400 sqm


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