Product- and material data base

Knowing what’s inside – databases and material passports for products and buildings

Seeing and using buildings with their products used as material stock and as sources of raw materials for future construction projects – this is one of the key points of circular building. 
Digital documentation and inventory as well as product databases provide information about the materials used and the raw materials of construction products. The latest technology such as digital measurement, 360-degree scans and the systemic planning and recording via BIM enable a completely new view inside of our buildings.

The Lindner Group as well as information about our system products can be found in the most common databases. A distinction can be made between product databases such as Building Material Scout or DGNB and rating platforms for suppliers and companies, such as the EcoVadis sustainability rating.

The product database Building Material Scout rates products according to LEED, DGNB, BNB, WELL, BAMB and BREEAM criteria as well as different eco-labels. Here you will find several of our system products for ceiling, floor and wall. This platform also offers project documentation and Best-Practice-Examples with corresponding verifications as well as information on integration in BIM (Revit) or for life cycle assessments. 

As a founding member of the DGNB, Linder can of course also be found on the product database, the DGNB Product Navigator. The standardised data query and processing is optimally adapted to the DGNB certification system so that simplification in planning and orientation can be offered in the cosmos of DGNB. 

EcoVadis evaluates companies according the most important CSR impacts (risks related to ethics, the environment and labour and human rights) or according the ESG criteria and presents these in a scorecard. This method is based on international sustainability standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, Global Compact of the United Nations and the ISO 26000. The classification in the scorecard is based on 21 indicators in four thematic issues: Environment, Labour and Human rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

Integrety Next rates, similar to EcoVadis, companies in all areas of sustainability and their measures according to environmental protection, labour and human rights, labour security and responsibility along the delivery chain. 


Madaster – the cadastre for materials

The online cloud platform Madaster goes one step further and assess and records all material values or property data over the entire life cycle of a construction project. All materials and construction products used and their volume can be documented, registered and archived in a material passport. With this Madaster is taking an important step towards the circular economy: Due to the accurate documentation, materials can be better reused or recycled. An additional benefit for property owners: the Madaster Material Passport provides insight into the material assets and shows the current residual raw material value of the buildings. Lindner has been involved in the project from the beginning as a so-called "Kennedy" partner.

Lindner is also represented on various international databases

But Lindner is also represented on a wide variety of databases at international level: The English platform NBS Source is considered a source for product information and extended product data: The cloud-based information platform includes any images, catalogues and data sheets as well as digital objects and product specifications of over 27,000 products and 1,000 manufacturers. The consistent, structured format integrates seamlessly into the project workflow and also saves time when searching for product information.


Byggvarubedömningen is a non-profit organisation of Swedish builders and property owners that has established a standard for the environmental assessment of building materials. With the aim of creating a non-toxic and sustainable environment, the organisation evaluates construction-related products based on their chemical content as well as their environmental impact during their life cycle. The results of the assessments are collected in a database.

The ofroom Ltd is a pioneer in promoting sustainable materials in architecture. With the web-based OFROOM Material Service App, the company provides a carefully selected range of eco-friendly materials for architectural firms and property developers – supported by verified data and manufacturer information. A special feature is the physical sampling system, which sends selected material samples, including the LOOP raised floor panel from Lindner, directly to professionals at regular intervals. Thus, architects not only receive information about top-quality, eco-friendly building materials but also benefit from comprehensive consultancy to design the architecture of the future sustainably.



Our Projects world wide

Once around the globe and back again to our home Arnstorf: With our construction projects we are represented almost everywhere! No matter whether new construction or renovation, whether interior fit-out, building envelope or insulation – our references consist of a colourful mixture full of new challenges and impressive results.