BGV Karlsruhe / Badische Versicherungen

The headquarter of the BGV Karlsruhe is located in Karlsruhe. The main building was in need of renovation. The reconstruction works started in 2010. Lindner fitted the metal ceilings in the floors and the kitchen. In addition to that Lindner fitted a raised and hollow floor to the entire main building.


Project: BGV Karlsruhe / Badische Versicherungen

Building Type: Office buildings, Refurbishment

Address: Durlacher Allee 56

Zip/City: 76131 Karlsruhe

Country: Germany

Completion: from 2010 to 2011

Company: Lindner SE | Floors, Lindner SE | Ceilings

Companies involved

Client: BGV Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG

Architect: Vollack archiTec GmbH & Co. KG



Calcium sulphate panels



Calcium sulphate panels


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