Lisbjerg Biomass Plant

The existing waste incineration plant in the Danish town of Aarhus was extended by a third bloc which houses a biomass facility. The biomass power plant is one of the largest in Denmark and a decisive component of Aarhus´ climate protection plan, which sees a complete change to Co2-neutral district heat. The plant´s primary energy source is straw with wooden chips as secondary. In total, the plant produces 37 MW of power and 77 MW of district heat, which amounts to 20 percent of the town´s demand for district heat. The facility is set up for efficient use of combustibles and a high degree of efficiency, which is achieved through recovery of the heat bound in the flue gas, for example.

Lindner executed insulation works in the power plant on a surface area of 14,000 sqm. The insulation comprised the heat and sound insulation of the flue gas, hot air and cold air channels, the boiler, auxiliary facilities of the boiler, as well as all pipes and components with wired mats and coated trapezoidal steel sheets.



Project: Lisbjerg Biomass Plant

Building Type: Power Plants

Address: Olstedvej 20

Zip/City: 8200 Aarhus

Country: Denmark

Completion: 2017

Company: Lindner Isoliertechnik & Industrieservice GmbH

Companies involved

Client: AffaldVarme Aarhus

Architect: Friis & Moltke


Insulation Engineering


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