Munich Re, Berliner Straße

Munich Re is one of the world´s largest reinsurance companies, active in numerous branches of the insurance business. Among the most relevant branches are reinsurance, primary insurance, health insurance and asset management. The company´s main administraion and several branch offices are situated in Munich.

Built in 1980, the branch office in Berliner Straße used to be an unusual sight in the otherwise modern architecture of this street. For this reason, both exterior and interior of the building were extensively redeveloped. The building now features a modern, colourful facade and open office areas in the interior, emphasizing communications. The interior design mainly consists of an interplay of plasterboard or metal with wooden elements. Wood has a warm character which increases the cosyness of the premises in this administration building. Lindner Objektdesign GmbH was contracted with numerous of the multi-faceted wood works in the building. The completed works include wooden wall cladding with acoustic properties and very sophisticated fire protection, mobile partitions, WC partitions, handrails, kitchenettes and the reception counter.


Project: Munich Re, Berliner Straße

Building Type: Office buildings

Address: Berliner Straße 95

Zip/City: 80805 Munich

Country: Germany

Completion: from 2013 to 2014

Company: Lindner SE | Interior Fit-Out and Furnishings

Companies involved

Client: Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG

Architect: Sauerbruch Hutton Architekten


Dry lining

Plasterboard partition systems


Our Projects worldwide

Once around the globe and back again to our home Arnstorf: With our construction projects we are represented almost everywhere! No matter whether new construction or renovation, whether interior fit-out, building envelope or insulation – our references consist of a colourful mixture full of new challenges and impressive results.